Monday, July 28, 2014

Homemade Remineralizing Toothpaste Recipe with Essential Oils

Hello Fellow Oilers!
One of my biggest pet peeves is that of discolored or stained looking teeth. And for some reason I have never found a toothpaste that makes my teeth nice and white and I have tried a lot.:) I have used Tom of Maine, a Trader Joes brand, then I even switched over to Colgate from Costco, and that still didn't whiten them. I even would swish coconut oil in my mouth for a couple minutes after brushing my teeth and that didn't even work.):
Then one of our friends sent me this recipe and after seeing their teeth after a week of using it I immediately made some and now I am needing to make a second batch.:) I love this toothpaste. It is really easy to make and so good!

There is a lot of emerging information about tooth remineralization, a process that many dentists previously thought was impossible. This article goes into detail about the science behind tooth reminerlization and the dietary steps necessary also. (It also explains why ingredients in most toothpastes, even natural ones, can demineralize teeth and cause tooth decay!)
The information I found in researching this was mirrored by my own experience over the last few months with natural toothpastes.
I’ve noticed definite changes in my teeth over the last few weeks. My teeth are whiter than they’ve ever been and everyone who I’ve have talked to about there use of this toothpaste has remarked that it makes their teeth feel very clean.
This recipe is kid-approved, and since it has no fluoride, its safe on babies, toddlers, and those with thyroid problems.
If you want to whiten teeth, improve an oral health problem or just try a natural alternative to commercial toothpastes that contain harmful ingredients, definitely try making this toothpaste!
natural homemade remineralizing toothpaste ingredients Homemade Remineralizing Toothpaste Recipe

Homemade Remineralizing Toothpaste Ingredients:

  • 5 Tablespoon: Calcium powder
  • 1 Tablespoon: Diatomaceous Earth (optional- contains trace minerals and silica. UPDATE: A was reading another article about this and it noted that DE can be abrasive and is not needed with the baking soda, so if you don’t have DE… no worries!)
  • 2 Tablespoon: Baking Soda
  • 3 Tablespoon: Xylitol Powder- This ingredient is not completely necessary, but just keeps it from tasting bitter.
  • 3-5 Tablespoon or 1/4 cup : coconut oil to get desired texture
  • Your Favorite Essential Oil(s): Best for flavor: Peppermint, cinnamon, purification, clove and orange are all good. My favorite is Thieves! We all loved the Thieves Toothpaste that Young Living offered, but it was just to expensive for our family to keep on ordering.): So I was overjoyed when I saw that I could make my own for a fraction of the cost. I did 6-9 drops of Thieves. It was so good!!
How To Make Natural Remineralizing Toothpaste
1. Mix all powdered ingredients (calcium, Baking Soda, Xylitol) well in a bowl. If you are starting with calcium tablets, powder them in a food processor. If you are starting with capsules, dump them out into the bowl.
2.. Add Coconut Oil one tablespoon at a time until you get desired consistency.
3. Add Essential Oils for flavor! Make sure they are only Young Living's see why here.
4. Store in small container like 1/2 pint glass jar. To use, either dip clean toothbrush into it, or use Popsicle stick or spoon to put on toothbrush. I’ve also thought of storing in a plastic bag with a corner cut off to be able to squeeze like toothpaste, but haven’t tried it yet.

I hope you will love the toothpaste as much as our family is. Let me know if you try it and your experience with it.

Until Friday!

Happy oiling,

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